Our Expertise
Reya Duenas Design offers Interior Design services for projects of all sizes. We remove the hassle and frustration from your interior design project. We take care of every step from start to finish, so you don’t have to. We’re eager to hear about your vision, offer our insight, and see how we can work together.
Working With Us
Initial Consultation
We are here to guide you through the entire process. We’ll come out to your space to hear about your vision while we perform a detailed walk-through. We’ll get to know you and your goals for the project. We’ll take photos and measurements and start brainstorming on your design.
In this phase we dive a little deeper. We start creating a program for the project that includes timing and budget. We’ll ask you to send us the required floor plans, we’ll select a color scheme, and create a mood board with some inspirational images for the design.
Conceptual Design
This is our first pass at your design. We’ll present to you our vision for the overall project, all pertinent space plans, a preliminary color scheme, and any other details that are exclusive to your design. Once you’ve approved to move forward, we start diving further in the design details.
During the Specifications phase we will start visualizing your design. We present to you our materials palette for the entire interior architectural finishes; along with farbic samples, hardware finishes, perspective renderings and elevations, so you can see your ideas coming to fruition.
Contract Documentation
This is where we prepare working drawings and schedules to convey the design. We detail our drawings with precision. No matter how great the vision is, the ability to communicate the design to contractors can make or break a project.
Project Administration
We’re your “Go-To” between you and the contractor. We know and understand the construction process. We’ll do occasional visits to the job site to make ensure the design intent is being implemented. We’ll review shop drawings, submittals, and answer all RFI’s from the General Contractor.